EntertainmentTaylor Swift cancels Vienna concerts after foiled terror plot

Taylor Swift cancels Vienna concerts after foiled terror plot

Taylor Swift's concerts in Austria have been cancelled due to a planned terrorist attack. The 19-year-old failed attacker is the main suspect in the case. Neighbours of Beran A. indicate that he had been behaving differently than usual recently.

He planned a smell at a Taylor Swift concert. That's what his neighbors say about him.
He planned a smell at a Taylor Swift concert. That's what his neighbors say about him.
Images source: © Getty Images, East News

Late Wednesday evening, the media relayed urgent news about the upcoming Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna. The BBC, citing the Director General for Public Safety Franz Ruf, reported the arrest of men who were allegedly linked to the planned terrorist attacks. As a result, the American singer's performances were canceled.

Planned terrorist attack at Taylor Swift concert. neighbours speak up

Austrian media reported that the matter is very serious, and the arrested teenagers planned to drive a car into a crowd of 20,000 and attack them with machetes and knives. "The Mirror" indicated that they were in possession of, among other things, detonators and fake police sirens. At the home of 19-year-old Beran A., the main suspect, chemicals were also found. Investigators revealed a photo of the arrested teenager.

Reuters reports that recently there have been significant changes in Beran A.'s behaviour. According to the residents of Ternitz, the young man grew a long beard and became more serious than usual. 33-year-old Nicole Morgenbesser, one of the neighbours of the failed attacker, claims that he suddenly stopped greeting her on the street.

He only recently started becoming a bit strange - she confessed.

The site oe24.There are reports that the young man was employed by a large metal company until the end of July. A few days earlier, he resigned from his job, claiming he "had big plans". It appears that these plans were connected to the planned attack. In recent months, he had been becoming increasingly radicalized and delving into ISIS propaganda.

Franz Ruf revealed that a few weeks ago, the young man posted an allegiance pledge to ISIS online. It is, therefore, believed that the 19-year-old may have been planning a suicide attack. Christian Samwald, the mayor of Ternitz, still cannot believe it.

Beran A., the main suspect in the foiled attack
Beran A., the main suspect in the foiled attack© East News | ROLAND SCHLAGER
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift© Getty Images | Thomas Niedermueller/TAS24
Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift© Getty Images | Thomas Niedermueller/TAS24

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