Taylor Swift warned about boyfriend's infidelity by his ex
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are currently one of the most famous couples in the world. The star's beloved is a well-known athlete with many achievements. However, his ex-girlfriend pointed out that he sometimes had trouble remaining faithful.
The star Taylor Swift has been shining brighter than ever recently. She appears to be fulfilled not only professionally but also personally, all thanks to her sweetheart.
Who is Taylor Swift's boyfriend? His ex warned the star about infidelity
Most talk about Taylor's heart being occupied again was last year's end. The artist's new sweetheart is American football star Travis Kelce. He has been very successful, especially with his team, the Kansas City Chiefs. Interestingly, he also gained attention for participating in the reality show "Catching Kelce," where he was searching for his other half.
This time, as it seems, he managed to find love without the help of television cameras. Kelce has also appeared in commercials and started a podcast with his brother called "New Heights," in which they discussed sports and other topics. When it was revealed that he was dating Taylor, his private life became the focus of increased media attention.
As is usually the case, this has both good and bad sides. His ex-partner, Maya Benberry, has a poor opinion of the well-known athlete, as she expressed in an interview with the Daily Mail. She won the aforementioned show, where Kelce was looking for a lifetime of love. Unfortunately, their relationship ended quickly, and she decided to warn his new partner publicly.
Taylor seems like such a fun girl with a beautiful spirit so I wish her the best of luck but I wouldn’t be a girls' girl if I didn’t advise her to be smart! Only time will tell but like the saying always goes, once a cheater, always a cheater.
At the same time, she expressed hope that after her past experiences, Taylor can now recognize when her partner has bad intentions. Maya mentioned that Travis allegedly cheated on her with journalist Kayla Nicole, his next big love. Unfortunately, this was also not a lifetime love, as in 2022, the media reported that their relationship ended after five years.