FoodThe ultimate trick for mess-free chocolate-covered strawberries

The ultimate trick for mess-free chocolate-covered strawberries

Everyone should know this simple culinary trick. It is reliable and will come in handy on many occasions. Using toothpicks, as shown in the video, makes things much easier.

This patent will ensure that chocolate-covered strawberries turn out perfectly.
This patent will ensure that chocolate-covered strawberries turn out perfectly.
Images source: © Licensor | Pyszności

Want to prepare a sweet surprise for a loved one but have no idea what to do? Or perhaps you're considering chocolate-covered strawberries, but usually, it ends up being a huge mess with a poor final result?

It doesn’t have to be that way! All you need is the right technique, which will never fail you. This is a simple and quick trick you can use in your kitchen today. You likely have all the necessary items at hand.

Chocolate-covered strawberries — The perfect idea for an unusual gift

It might seem that preparing strawberries with a chocolate coating isn't difficult at all. Unfortunately, this is only true theoretically because significant complications appear in practice.

First of all, chocolate is everywhere — on the plate, kitchen countertop, bowl, and even the coffee cup you were drinking from. This means extra cleaning because such a mess needs to be tidied up afterward. Secondly, dipping strawberries in melted chocolate without proper protection can be tricky. The chocolate may not cover the fruit entirely or might accidentally get on its green stem (and then the final result does not look as impressive). This is very important, especially if we want to give someone a gift. The strawberries simply have to look perfect, and today, I will tell you how to achieve that.

Surprise your loved ones with a unique sweet treat.
Surprise your loved ones with a unique sweet treat.© Licensor | Pyszności

A clever trick with toothpicks

I am a fan not only of kitchen tricks but also of handmade gifts. Very often, I prepare them in an edible form. And it's no different in the case of chocolate-covered strawberries, which, thanks to a quick trick, come out perfect every time. How do I do it?

The key to success is two unassuming toothpicks. Simply insert them gently into the juicy fruit and slowly dip the strawberry in the melted chocolate. I recommend preparing the chocolate in a double boiler and pouring it into not-too-tall glasses to maintain better control. As for the stick construction itself, it ensures that the strawberry is thoroughly coated with sweet chocolate from every side. There are no unnecessary mishaps or messes, and each strawberry will be perfect. Finally, there's the decorating. Here, you can choose from many interesting solutions. Chocolate in a different colour, crushed pistachios, or colourful sprinkles work great.

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