LifestyleTikTok hack: Revive your soot-covered pans with kitchen staples

TikTok hack: Revive your soot-covered pans with kitchen staples

Sometimes, when we use pans on gas stoves, we may notice soot accumulating on the bottom. The dirt is difficult to remove, even with a dishwasher. If you want your pan to regain its former appearance, use the following method.

How to quickly clean the bottom of a frying pan?
How to quickly clean the bottom of a frying pan?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

No matter what material your pan is made of, its surface accumulates soot and char over time. Many people use a scouring pad or aggressive chemical agents in such situations. Although these methods are effective, they rarely manage to remove all impurities.

However, an alternative method will restore your pan to its original appearance. This method involves using only products you likely already have in your kitchen cabinet.

How to clean a pan?

Although most of us decide to use a scouring pad, frequent use of this metal sponge can lead to equipment damage. However, an alternative method will allow you to remove all the dirt from the bottom of the pan. This method has been gaining popularity on TikTok for some time.

Shaba, a TikTok user who publishes under the nickname "theshabakitchen," shared a trick for removing dirt from the pan. The ingredients needed to clean the pan are likely already in your home. You need baking soda, dish soap, salt, white vinegar, and tissues.

The pan will shine. Follow the steps

To perform this procedure, sprinkle salt and baking soda on the bottom of the pan. Both ingredients should thoroughly cover the surface. Next, generously pour dish soap over them. Mix everything with a rough sponge or scouring pad to create a thick paste. Rub this paste thoroughly on the surface, then cover the whole thing with paper or tissues.

Finally, pour vinegar over the tissues. Remember that only white vinegar is suitable for this treatment. Leave the tissues on the pan for 15 minutes and, in the case of heavy dirt, for 25 minutes. After this time, remove the tissues and wipe the pan's surface with them. There shouldn't be any traces of dirt left. You can also use this method to clean pots or baking sheets.

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