LifestyleTikTok sensation Lauren redefines travel packing hacks

TikTok sensation Lauren redefines travel packing hacks

Lauren from the duo @JeffandLaurenShow is taking over TikTok with her packing tips. This time, the digital content creator recommends an unusual way to protect the contents of luggage. "More expensive than the wine I drink," joke internet users.

Travel advice suggests putting balloons over cosmetics.
Travel advice suggests putting balloons over cosmetics.
Images source: © TikTok
ed. MSI

TikToker Lauren, known from the account @JeffandLaurenShow, shared packing tips with over 1.8 million viewers. She claims to have learned these tricks from a flight attendant.

It’s about securing cosmetics with balloons. According to her, you just need to cut off the end of a balloon and stretch it over the top of a bottle or jar.

This flexible material prevents liquids from leaking, keeping your cosmetic bag clean. Although some internet users jokingly call them "condoms for cosmetics," many people find this trick brilliant.

Lauren also advises packing vertically and stacking clothes on top of each other. This organizational method saves space and keeps your baggage tidy. Another surprising idea is to use diapers to secure wine bottles. By wrapping the base and neck of the bottle with diapers, you reduce the risk of breaking the glass and potentially spilling the drink.

Internet users do not share enthusiasm for the unusual method

However, not everyone is convinced by these methods. "I checked the price of diapers, and they're more expensive than the wine I drink," noted one commenter. Others suggest replacing diapers with bubble wrap or special alcohol transport packaging.

Regardless of the precautions, there were also warnings against transporting glass bottles in checked luggage.


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