LifestyleTiktoker reveals sunlight-saving hack to slash heating bills

Tiktoker reveals sunlight-saving hack to slash heating bills

When it was snowing outside and the radiator was turned off, in Dana Kayal's room, the thermometer showed as much as 21°C. How did she manage to heat the room without additional costs? She shared her trick in one of her TikTok videos.

A TikToker shared a trick for warming up the house.
A TikToker shared a trick for warming up the house.
Images source: © TikTok

Increasing heating bills can be overwhelming, so many people are looking for ways to reduce them. Dana Kayal, who is actively expanding her TikTok presence, shared a trick that each of us can try. In this case, proper window preparation is key.

Tiktoker advises on how to lower heating bills

According to Dana Kayal, simple solutions are the best, but we often overlook them. This is the case here as well. The Tiktoker emphasizes the importance of fully utilizing nature's advantages during the fall-winter period.

Kayal suggested to her followers to remove mosquito screens from the windows. She believes that they may block sunlight, which in turn can hinder the natural warming of rooms. Consequently, the use of radiators may become unnecessary.

She revealed that on sunny days, she does not use the stove before 4 p.m. or use electric heating. She also mentioned that she specifically chose a house with south-facing windows to take advantage of free solar energy, which was described in the comments as a brilliant and free trick.

Heat your home without using the radiator

Another way to reduce heating bills is to remove mosquito screens and adjust the fittings of the windows to winter mode. This reduces heat loss and allows for higher thermal efficiency. Switching windows to summer mode after the heating season is also recommended.

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