NewsToddler's tragic death in heated car leads to father's charges

Toddler's tragic death in heated car leads to father's charges

A two-year-old girl named Parker tragically died in a heated car. The incident occurred on July 9, when the girl's father left her in a parking lot. The temperature inside the car reached over 42 degrees Celsius. The girl had no chance. Shocking facts have come to light.

A child died in a heated car
A child died in a heated car
Images source: © Facebook, Getty Images | Alan Schein Photography, Nancy Grace
Rafał Strzelec

The drama occurred on July 9 in Tucson, Arizona. Christopher Scholtes was caring for his young daughter that day while his 35-year-old wife, Erika, was working at the hospital.

The man went shopping with two-year-old Parker. He then left her asleep in the car in front of the house, leading to a terrible tragedy. Although the man had left the engine and air conditioning on, after 30 minutes, the car turned off automatically. The temperature inside the car reached 42.7 degrees Celsius when the vehicle was opened.

The matter came to light only after three hours. The girl's mother returned from work and asked about her daughter. Then, the 37-year-old father realized he had left the girl in the car. Parker died in agony. Although she was rushed to the hospital, she couldn't be saved.

Two-year-old died in a heated car. Charge for the father

Shocking facts have come to light. According to investigators, Christopher regularly left his daughters in the car to play alone. During this time, he would go home to play on the PlayStation. The games absorbed him so much that he forgot about the world around him. The 37-year-old’s daughters confirmed this information in conversations with investigators. Consequently, the console was seized as evidence in the case.

Investigators also discovered a shocking text message sent to the 37-year-old by his wife: "I told you to stop leaving them in the car, how many times have I told you. We've lost her, she was perfect." wrote Erika to her husband.
"Babe I'm sorry! How could I do this. I killed our baby, this can't be real," the man replied to her.

Christopher Scholtes was arrested. He will face charges of involuntary manslaughter and child abuse.

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