EntertainmentTragic selfie moment: A woman killed by historic train in Mexico

Tragic selfie moment: A woman killed by historic train in Mexico

Stunning footage of a tragic incident in Mexico has circulated on the internet. A young woman wanted to take a selfie with a historic train in the background. Unfortunately, she paid for it with her life.

Tragic death on the tracks
Tragic death on the tracks
Images source: © TMZ
Jakub Tyszkowski

Many people post material from their private lives on social media. The need to exist online often leads to risky or reckless behavior. In some situations, the chase for views ends in injury. A certain woman from Mexico paid the ultimate price for a selfie.

The tragedy happened in Hidalgo, a city located northwest of Mexico City. A group of people went to the tracks to admire the attraction – the passing of the historic Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) train. During one route, the train travels across all of North America, starting in Calgary, Canada, passing through the United States, and ending in the capital of Mexico.

Tragedy on the tracks. Cameras recorded everything

The crowd stood by the tracks with smartphones in hand, waiting for the extraordinary train to pass. Footage from the scene shows a woman in a red shirt dangerously approaching the railway embankment. She turned her back to the approaching train and held her phone out in front of her face to take a selfie. Those were the last seconds of her life.

The speeding train passed by, and one of the cars struck the woman in the head. Her body rolled limply down the embankment and stopped in an unnatural position. Witnesses ran to her, but it was too late to save her. The 29-year-old woman died at the scene. The family of the Mexican woman, who also admired the passing train, was at the scene of the tragedy. TMZ published footage of the incident.

She wanted to take the perfect selfie. She recorded her own death

The company managing the train released a statement: "We are deeply saddened by this loss of life and wish to express our condolences to the woman's family and loved ones."

"For their own safety and that of the crews, all spectators looking at any train must always remain at least 10 meters back from the train and the tracks. Spectators must never stand on railway tracks, try to board rail equipment or climb on rail infrastructure. Always use caution around tracks and trains," summarize the ride organizers.

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