EntertainmentTrump supporters don bandages in bizarre show of loyalty

Trump supporters don bandages in bizarre show of loyalty

During a failed attack, President Donald Trump was injured in the ear. As a result, the politician now wears a bandage, which has inspired his supporters. Trump voters have also decided to cover their ears, resembling Vincent van Gogh.

Supporters of Donald Trump emulate the president
Supporters of Donald Trump emulate the president
Images source: © Instagram: realdonaldtrump | Instagram: realdonaldtrump

It is said that human ingenuity knows no bounds, and fans often get tattoos of their idols or embark on long journeys to meet them. A separate category of idolization involves relationships between a charismatic politician and their voters. Blinded by the promise of a better life if their chosen candidate wins the coveted seat, voters are willing to do a lot to help achieve that goal, even if it means embarrassing themselves in the global media.

Donald Trump's fans are covering their ears

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, there was a failed attack on Donald Trump, resulting in one person's death, and the politician himself was injured in the ear. The former President of the USA covered his right ear with a bandage to protect the wound. The sight of the injured president moved the hearts of Republicans, who decided to support him in his suffering. As a sign of unity, Donald Trump's voters also wear bandages on their right ear to resemble their idol.

Social media has been flooded with photographs of dozens of people sporting the characteristic white bandage on their ears. Their look directly associates them with the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, who, in a fit of madness caused by a mental illness, cut off a portion of his ear and then sent it to a friendly prostitute. In his self-portraits, van Gogh painted himself with a bandage on the right ear.

Internet users mock Donald Trump's fans

Many commentators on social media claim that Donald Trump's voters are making fools of themselves by trying to resemble the politician. They compare their behaviour to a disturbing cult where everyone forcibly wants to be like the leader. One commenter wrote, "That's why aliens don't visit us anymore," which met with great approval from other users on Platform X.

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