NewsTrump's fascist tendencies: Ex-chief of staff speaks out

Trump's fascist tendencies: Ex‑chief of staff speaks out

Donald Trump fits the definition of a fascist and has aspirations to govern as a dictator, according to General John Kelly, former White House Chief of Staff. In interviews with "The New York Times" and "The Atlantic" magazine, Kelly also recounted that Trump repeatedly claimed that "Hitler also did some good things."

"Has aspirations like a dictator." General warns against Trump
"Has aspirations like a dictator." General warns against Trump
Images source: © Getty Images | Bloomberg
Sara Bounaoui

Kelly, who was initially the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security in Trump's administration and then the Chief of Staff of the White House, told the "NYT" that he decided to give the interview after Trump's suggestion to use the military to suppress riots on election day.

When asked if the former president is a fascist, the retired general responded that Trump fits the definition of the term.

- Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators - said Kelly.

He added that he was surprised and never accepted it when he was told that his subordinates were first loyal to the constitution, and not to him personally.

Trump wanted generals like Hitler's

Kelly, for the first time, directly confirmed earlier reports that the former president "more than once" claimed that Adolf Hitler "did some good, too." He also confirmed that Trump often referred to veterans and fallen soldiers as "suckers and losers" and did not want to be photographed with soldiers who had lost limbs.

In an interview with "The Atlantic", Kelly mentioned that Trump expressed frustration, asking why his generals couldn't be more like the German generals. When Kelly inquired whether Trump was referring to the generals from the time of Bismarck or the German emperor, Trump clarified that he meant the generals who served under Hitler.

Kelly recounted that he had informed Trump about Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, who was forced to commit suicide after being involved in a conspiracy against Hitler. He also noted that Trump was unfamiliar with Rommel or the military plots against Hitler.

Former Trump associates warn against his re-election

Kelly is one of many former Trump associates who have warned voters this year against re-electing the former president. In addition to Kelly, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and former Pentagon Chief Gen. James Mattis also called Trump a fascist.

Former national security advisors John Bolton and H.R. McMaster, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, former Pentagon Chief Mark Esper, and former Vice President Mike Pence also spoke about the dangers of a second Trump term.

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