Uber targets seniors with new terminals to order rides without an app
Uber plans to attract a new group of customers. The target group includes, among others, older adults and the digitally excluded. The American platform aims to enable them to order rides without a smartphone by introducing the first "Uberomats."
These are terminals designed to facilitate ordering Uber rides. The American giant behind this idea has already tested such equipment in the Czech Republic.
Tests in the Czech Republic ended positively, and there are plans to scale this project. However, the company does not commit to a timeline for when such devices could be installed in other countries.
Uber is counting on seniors, complains about regulatory barriers
It all boils down to "regulatory barriers," and e-fiscalization means that another layer of technological complexity needs to be added to such a solution. There is a potential in locations such as airports, train stations, and hospitals.
This solution gives access to our platform and allows ordering a ride without needing an app. Therefore, it is a tool that allows us to reach a completely new customer: older adults, less digitally advanced.