TechUnderwater volcano Axial Seamount teeters on eruption's edge

Underwater volcano Axial Seamount teeters on eruption's edge

The underwater volcano Axial Seamount is on the brink of eruption. Scientists warn that the eruption is inevitable.

Axial Seamount underwater volcano.
Axial Seamount underwater volcano.
Images source: © Wikipedia
Justyna Waliszewska

The underwater volcano Axial Seamount is located about 480 kilometres off the coast of Oregon. According to the Science Alert portal, it shows signs of an impending eruption. Scientists predict that the volcano will erupt before the end of 2025.

The process of the mountain's surface uplift is a result of increasing pressure exerted by the magma beneath the surface. This pressure causes the mountain to gradually rise.

increased seismic activity heralds eruptions

The shield structure of the volcano indicates that the eruption will not be dramatic, and the lava will flow to the surface, creating a new ocean floor. The last such events occurred in 1998, 2011, and 2015. The volcano has now reached the same critical level as before the last eruption, suggesting that a similar event may occur soon. During the eruption, magma spreads over the surface, creating new fragments of the seabed. This phenomenon helps avoid the dangers associated with tsunami formation, which is reassuring news for the surrounding areas.

The eruption will aid in research

Recent seismic research has revealed the existence of multiple magma reservoirs beneath the volcano. They are located asymmetrically in the upper crust beneath layers of basalt and gabbro. A connection between the main magma reservoir and the eruption fissures on the sea floor has also been identified.

Axial Seamount lies at the junction of the Juan de Fuca and Pacific tectonic plates, where new ocean floor is formed due to plate pressure. “If we’re successful at forecasting eruptions at Axial then we can apply what we learn to other volcanoes around the world that are more dangerous to people and are in more complex settings,” says Chadwick. The new research was published in "Nature".

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