HealthVegetables to avoid for a bloat-free diet

Vegetables to avoid for a bloat-free diet

The feeling of heaviness in the abdomen can make us feel uncomfortable as if we've gained a few extra kilograms. Such bloating can also be a signal of certain ailments. Attention should be paid to your diet, especially by avoiding certain foods to get rid of it. Let's see which products are worth avoiding.

Artichokes are a low-calorie vegetable that can cause bloating.
Artichokes are a low-calorie vegetable that can cause bloating.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Iakov Filimonov

Vegetables are commonly known to provide us with plenty of minerals, vitamins, and fibre. Unfortunately, excessive consumption can contribute to the production of a considerable amount of gas in the intestines, leading to an unpleasant feeling of fullness. Below, we present vegetables that can cause bloating. It's worth limiting their intake to be free from stomach discomfort.

Onions are full of flavonoids and phenols, which make them anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. However, there are downsides to consuming them. The presence of fructans, simple sugars contributing to such ailments, can cause bad breath and bloating. Consuming them in large quantities can also be troublesome for our digestive system.

Although spinach has long been considered a source of health benefits, it contains carbohydrates such as stachyose and raffinose, which are not easily absorbed by our bodies. Some people may feel discomfort after consuming dishes containing these green leaves. It's worth remembering, however, that spinach is a rich source of vitamins A, K, C, and folic acid.

Corn is excellent as an addition to a salad, grilled cob with butter, or combined with cardamom or cinnamon. It is rich in nutrients and fibre, but the carbohydrates it contains can lead to bloating.

These vegetables are popular dinner additions

Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower belong to the cruciferous vegetable group. They are very popular additions to dinners that greatly enrich a daily diet. They are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fibre. However, their content of raffinose, which is not digested by our bodies, can lead to gas.

Artichokes are vegetables commonly used in Italian cuisine. Although tasty and beneficial for health, they contain starch and certain carbohydrates that can disrupt the digestive system and increase the production of intestinal gases.

Rich in vitamins, but also in carbohydrates

It is noteworthy, however, that artichokes are low-calorie vegetables. In 100 grams of artichoke, there are only 57 calories, making them a component of many weight-loss diets.

Regularly added to dishes, mushrooms provide protein, vitamins, antioxidants, and low cholesterol. Unfortunately, they can be difficult to digest and contribute to gas problems. However, they are worth not eliminating completely due to the presence of B and D vitamins.

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