Violence erupts at Illinois polling station: Voter arrested
A 24-year-old man was arrested after skipping the line at a polling place in Illinois and striking an elderly election judge in the face, leading to a scuffle.
According to police, the man arrived at the polling station in Cook County on Sunday morning, allegedly to cast his vote. He caused a commotion by using vulgar language and then pushed and hit a 74-year-old election judge in the face.
Police reported that when he attempted to hit the 74-year-old, he also accidentally struck an 80-year-old woman. Based on a social media profile found by ABC Chicago, he seems to be a martial arts enthusiast, having posted pictures of himself in a mirror and a boxing ring.
Police were called to the polling place
Police stated that several individuals managed to restrain him until their arrival. A press release explained that the assailant "walked past numerous other voters waiting in line to enter the voting area."
"An election judge posted at the entrance told Schmidt to go to the back of the line and wait his turn, which Schmidt refused," the police said. Then, a scuffle ensued, during which the aggressive man shouted insults and hit the election judge.
The prosecutor has charged him with two counts of aggravated battery against a person over 60, two counts of aggravated battery in a public place, five counts of resisting arrest, and one count of disorderly conduct.