TechWhy bathroom doors should always open outward for safety

Why bathroom doors should always open outward for safety

You can find bathroom doors with glass, ventilation, and even a cat entrance on the market. However, these features might be useless if your bathroom door opens inward. This is a matter of comfort and a critical safety issue that few people are aware of.

When buying a bathroom door, be sure to remember this
When buying a bathroom door, be sure to remember this
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Александр Трихонюк

Why should bathroom doors always open outward?

Similar to front doors, bathroom doors should open outward rather than inward. While comfort is a factor, safety is the most important criterion when buying bathroom doors. If someone feels unwell or even loses consciousness in the bathroom, an inward-opening door can be tricky to open, hindering assistance or quick exit.

Most bathroom doors in public restrooms open outward. This is not only for safety reasons but also for appropriate space management. In small rooms, outward-opening doors allow more stalls and better space utilization.

Few people realize that bathroom doors can become a trap in our homes if we don't choose a suitable model. Doors that open inward can be challenging to open in an emergency.

What else to remember when buying bathroom doors?

Outward-opening bathroom doors are just one of the essential elements to consider. Ventilation is equally important, which is why some models come with built-in unique vents to allow excess air and moisture to escape. Bathrooms are particularly prone to mould growth; these vents help prevent it. Building codes also specify the dimensions of bathroom doors; the best ones are about 80 centimetres (cm) wide and 200 cm high.

Bathroom doors should also have a good-quality lock that ensures privacy while allowing quick opening from the outside in an emergency. Consider doors with frosted glass so you can immediately see if the bathroom is occupied. The material of the doors is also important and not worth skimping on—laminate doors are a reliable choice.

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