LifestyleWhy brushing before your morning coffee can save your smile

Why brushing before your morning coffee can save your smile

Do you drink hot coffee right after getting up and then brush your teeth? The sequence of these activities is very important and can impact our health and the appearance of our teeth.

Do you need to brush your teeth after drinking coffee?
Do you need to brush your teeth after drinking coffee?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Poland ranks among the top European countries in terms of coffee consumption. The average Pole drinks approximately 95 litres of coffee annually. Most of us cannot imagine our mornings without it.

Regular coffee consumption offers many health benefits. Research has shown that the brew improves memory and concentration, blood circulation, and also reduces stress and decreases the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, depression, and Parkinson's disease. Additionally, it accelerates the burning of fatty tissue.

Harmful properties of coffee

Although coffee is one of the favourite beverages worldwide, excessive consumption brings many negative health effects. It can lead to the loss of important electrolytes such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

It's also worth noting that coffee contributes to the formation of stains on teeth. After drinking this beverage, many people choose to brush their teeth, which might not be the best solution.

Why is it best to brush your teeth before coffee?

Few people are aware that brushing their teeth right after drinking coffee can negatively impact oral health. This action weakens the enamel, the natural barrier against chemical and physical damage.

Experts recommend thoroughly brushing your teeth before drinking your morning coffee. By doing so, you remove tartar and prevent plaque buildup on your teeth, significantly reducing the risk of stains.

To minimize the negative effects of drinking coffee and properly care for your dental health, brush your teeth before you drink the brew. After consumption, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. This helps saliva neutralize the acidic pH in the mouth.

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