NewsWoman's sacrifice attempt for cartel ends in family tragedy

Woman's sacrifice attempt for cartel ends in family tragedy

She tried to abduct a child to sacrifice to a drug cartel. The 33-year-old woman was killed by her nephew. The tragic incident occurred in Ciudad Juarez.

She kidnapped the infant. She wanted to offer it as a sacrifice to the cartel.
She kidnapped the infant. She wanted to offer it as a sacrifice to the cartel.
Images source: © via Getty Images
Beata Bialik

This story is beyond belief. 33-year-old Maria Guadalupe R.M. first convinced her relative that his nearly 2-year-old son was the reincarnation of a deceased family member. Then, she decided to kill the child and sacrifice him to the drug cartel.

For this purpose, she sneaked into her nephew's house at night while he and his wife were sleeping and attempted to abduct the child.

Two gangsters associated with the drug gang were with her during the kidnapping attempt, but when a struggle for the child ensued, they fled, scared off by the neighbours.

During the fight, the woman lost her life and was lynched by the household members. She had previously been associated with the notorious street gang Los Mexicles, formerly led by El Chapo Guzman.

The 33-year-old had previously tried to persuade her relative to sacrifice the child to Santa Muerte, the patroness of Mexican cartels.

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