NewsMaine tourist rescued from quicksand in dramatic beach incident

Maine tourist rescued from quicksand in dramatic beach incident

Scenes straight out of an Indiana Jones adventure movie unfolded on the eastern coast of the United States. A tourist walking along Popham Beach in Maine suddenly felt the ground disappear beneath her feet. The situation became dangerous as the tide was coming in, and this is yet another such incident in recent times.

The tourist felt the ground slipping away under her feet.
The tourist felt the ground slipping away under her feet.
Images source: © Pixabay, X
Aneta Polak

A tourist caught in quicksand? Such scenes occur not only in Hollywood movies. Jamie Acord, from the town Poland, Maine, experienced this firsthand. It only took a few seconds for her to find herself in danger.

The tourist had gone to Popham Beach with her husband, a spot very popular with tourists. According to, Jamie felt the sand collapsing under her feet during the walk. She cried in astonishment as the sand engulfed her up to her hips. She told her husband, "I can't get out!"

I couldn't feel the bottom. I couldn’t find my footing," the tourist later recounted, as quoted by

Quicksand pulled the tourist in. Her husband saved her

Local media reports indicate that her husband reacted instantly and, within seconds, helped her escape the trap. The entire situation highly stressed both. The fact that the tide was coming in, and just after Jamie was freed, the hole filled with wet sand added to the drama of the situation.

According to the state park manager where Popham Beach is located, this is another such incident recorded on the beach this year. Tourists have sunk to their ankles, knees, or waist.

Jim Britt, a spokesperson for the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, tries to calm concerns, assuring that there is no reason to fear for your life because in a similar situation, "the reality with this supersaturated sand is you’re not going to go under."

Although it's difficult, it's best to remain patient and composed. Frantic attempts to escape can have the opposite effect if you get stuck in quicksand.

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