FoodBuckwheat pancakes: A delicious and nutritious twist for all ages

Buckwheat pancakes: A delicious and nutritious twist for all ages

Gluten-free pancakes - Pyszności
Gluten-free pancakes - Pyszności
Images source: © Adobe Stock

8 September 2024 19:34

I don't know anyone who doesn't like pancakes. They can be served with so many different fillings that everyone will surely find something they like. Replace regular flour with buckwheat groats to make them healthier and more nutritious. Kids won't notice that something has changed and will eagerly eat the pancakes to the last one.

A favourite breakfast on a lazy weekend, a tasty afternoon snack, or a lunch to-go - pancakes are perfect for many different occasions. You can fill them with jam, chocolate cream, cottage cheese, vegetables, meat, or any other fillings your heart desires. Preparing pancakes is a great opportunity to sneak in some nutritional value by using buckwheat groats instead of flour.

Buckwheat groats pancakes

Buckwheat groats are a real health treasure! They are rich in plant protein, fibre, B vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium and iron. Additionally, they help lower cholesterol levels, improve digestive system function, and add energy. Unfortunately, not everyone likes their taste, and among children, they have the reputation of being one of the least liked foods. Adding them to pancakes is a great way to sneak healthy groats into the daily diet.

You should prepare the pancakes a day in advance because the groats need soaking. This makes the groats easier and faster to blend. After that, it's all downhill, and making buckwheat pancakes only takes a few moments.

Pancakes with groats and cottage cheese - Deliciousness
Pancakes with groats and cottage cheese - Deliciousness© Adobe Stock


  • 400 grams of raw buckwheat groats,
  • 250-375 millilitres of cow's milk, plant-based milk, or water,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • oil for frying.


  2. Rinse the buckwheat groats thoroughly, cover with plenty of water, and set aside for at least 8 hours, preferably overnight.
  3. After soaking, drain the groats and rinse them again.
  4. Transfer to a blender, add a pinch of salt, and gradually add milk or water.
  5. Blend until smooth, similar to pancake batter. If the batter is too thick, add more liquid.
  6. Heat a frying pan and brush it with a small amount of oil. Pour a portion of the batter into the pan, and fry the pancakes until golden on both sides.

Buckwheat groats pancakes are very versatile. You can serve them sweet with fruits, honey, or maple syrup, or savoury with vegetables, hummus, or cottage cheese. Enjoy!

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