NewsCroatian motorways to scrap toll booths for the high-tech system by 2026

Croatian motorways to scrap toll booths for the high-tech system by 2026

Croatian motorway
Croatian motorway
Images source: © East News | Jacek Dominski/REPORTER
Kamil Rakosza-Napieraj

4 August 2024 15:53

Croatian motorways are about to undergo a significant change. Following the completion of the tender for a new toll collection system, conducted by a Slovak-Czech consortium, traditional toll booths will soon be a thing of the past. Here are the details.

As reported by, Sky Toll from Slovakia and TollNet from the Czech Republic were awarded the tender for constructing the new toll collection system. The cost will be €79.9 million.

Major changes on Croatian motorways

According to the report, the change will affect as many as 339 traditional toll stations. These will be replaced by a modern system based on the reading of ENC (electronic toll collection) devices or licence plates, allowing drivers to choose their preferred payment method.

"Dnevnik" states that the system will use cameras that, in addition to recognising licence plates, will record the colour, size, and profile of the vehicle and the estimated travel time between checkpoints. The system will recognise vehicles moving in either direction on one-way motorway sections.

Additionally, devices for registering using credit cards will be installed at petrol stations and special routes. Moreover, drivers can register via an app and a website. ENC devices will also be available for purchase at petrol stations.

When will toll booths disappear from Croatian motorways?

According to the report, the project, fully financed by the European Union under the National Recovery Plan, aims to introduce the new system by autumn 2026.

The modification proposed by the local authorities could significantly streamline traffic and reduce travel time. According to the announcements, toll booths are expected to be replaced by electronic payment systems, which can be managed online or through a specialised in-car device.

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