FoodDurian: The world's most expensive yet controversial fruit

Durian: The world's most expensive yet controversial fruit

A woman holding a durian
A woman holding a durian
Images source: © Adobe Stock | BUPPHA WUTTIFERY

25 July 2024 19:44

It is considered the most expensive fruit in the world. In 2019, it was sold at an auction for about €45,000. Interestingly, even the wealthy cannot enjoy its taste everywhere, and its possession can even cause trouble. This is all due to the very strong smell of this spiky fruit.

Can you guess what fruit it is? You need to spend a small fortune on durian. The fruit is quite large, similar to a watermelon, and weighs between 2 to 4 kilograms. It is particularly popular in Asia, where it grows on evergreen trees.

Causes nausea

However, this fruit is more often associated with its smell rather than its high price. Its aroma is described as repulsive, or even stinky. It is described as a mix of the smell of rotting fish, a crowded street dirty with sewage, and old eggs. For this reason, durian is banned in many places, even in Asia, where it is considered a delicacy. You might get in trouble with durian on an aeroplane, public transport, or in hotels. Its smell is so strong that it can cause nausea.

Where does the smell come from

Various sulfur compounds present in the flesh and released when the fruit is cut or mechanically damaged are responsible for the smell. About 40 sulfur compounds, mainly hydrogen sulfide, have been identified in durian. This is why the smell of durian is dominated by the aroma of rotten eggs. Notes of garlic, leek, milk, and cheese are also detectable. Together they create a rather unusual mixture, especially for a fruit. Its smell can be detected from a distance of even hundreds of metres, which is why in Asian shopping centres and hotels, you can find signs prohibiting its entry.

Big price

Despite this smell, there is no shortage of people willing to try it. In Thailand, at a market, the most expensive fruit in the world costs about 459 Thai Baht (around €11) per kilogram. The prices of durian vary depending on the region. In some places where the fruit is more available, you can eat it for the equivalent of just a few pounds.

Unique taste

Of dozens of durian species, only 11 are edible, and you can find just one variety on the international market: Durio zibethinus. Interest in this fruit can reach absurd proportions. In 2019, such a fruit was sold for about €45,000. The purported reason for durian's uniqueness is that each one tastes different.

Exceptional mix

How does the smelly fruit taste? First, you have to get to it. It is covered with thick, spiky skin. After cutting it open, you reach the interior, which contains a pulp consistency similar to a banana or avocado. The taste is slightly sour but fruity. It combines a hint of almonds and caramel with turpentine and onion, creating an exceptional mix. Who would like to try it?

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