LifestyleEggshell solution: A natural remedy to keep snails at bay

Eggshell solution: A natural remedy to keep snails at bay

Snails are a nuisance for many gardeners. Those looking for effective and affordable methods to eliminate these pests from their gardens should consider using the eggshell trick. It’s very straightforward.

How to get rid of snails from the garden?
How to get rid of snails from the garden?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Snails present a significant problem, especially in the spring and summer. Although they are small and seemingly harmless, they can cause substantial damage in gardens. Their feeding on plants weakens crops and can even lead to their complete destruction.

Snails particularly favour lettuce and cabbage leaves, young shoots and stems of plants, as well as fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and even beetroot.

They hide in shady and moist locations. They dislike the sun, but after a rainy night, they become particularly active, and their numbers can quickly increase.

Eggshells protect crops from snails

Snails can undo all the hard work we’ve put into tending our plants in just one night. Natural pest control methods, such as using eggshells, can prevent this. How does it work?

Collect an appropriate number of eggshells. Dry them in an oven heated to 100 degrees Celsius (it takes about 10 minutes). This will make them more brittle. Then crush them into small pieces—you can use a mortar, a rolling pin, or do it by hand. In the final step, sprinkle them around the plants, and you’re done!

The eggshells create a sharp and unpleasant barrier that snails will not be able to cross. This effectively discourages them from moving around your garden and keeps them away from your crops.

Additionally, eggshells enrich the soil with calcium. This supports the healthy growth of plants and their resistance to diseases. It’s a double benefit—you both protect your crops from a snail invasion and nurture the greenery.

Alternative methods to combat snails

Another method is to use wood ash, which, when spread around plants, creates an alkaline barrier deterring snails. Snails also avoid certain strong scents that are too irritating for them.

Planting items such as onions, garlic, or rosemary can effectively deter these small pests from approaching your garden. Leading the list of repelling aromas are also mint, lavender, and basil.

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