LifestyleHomemade arborvitae fertiliser: The summer secret to winter survival

Homemade arborvitae fertiliser: The summer secret to winter survival

What should I fertilise thujas with in the summer?
What should I fertilise thujas with in the summer?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | wasnoch

10 July 2024 20:33

Arborvitae are popular conifers that adorn many gardens. Properly cared for, they are pleasing to the eye all year round. Feed them with homemade fertiliser if you want them to survive the winter. They will reward you with a beautiful appearance.

Arborvitae are some of the most popular garden plants. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to grow. A few years after planting, they protect our garden from the prying eyes of nosy neighbours. They do not require much work. Just provide them with the right spot and water them regularly.

The most critical care procedure is fertilising. It would be best to do this in the spring, summer, and autumn, but summer fertilisation is the most crucial. This way, you will protect the plant from the negative effects of frost. What fertiliser is the best? Find out the recipe for homemade arborvitae fertiliser. Use it still in July, and you will thank yourself in the winter.

How often should arborvitae be fertilised in the summer?

Arborvitae require regular fertilisation in the spring, summer, and autumn. Few people realise that using fertilisers in the summer is crucial for the proper growth and development of the plant. Thanks to this simple procedure, the stems will have time to harden before the onset of winter frosts. This way, you will protect them from low temperatures.

If you grow arborvitae, don't forget to fertilise them by the end of July. What to fertilise arborvitae with in the summer? At this time of year, it is worth using a nitrogen-rich fertiliser. This is one of the most essential ingredients that every green plant needs. What fertiliser is the best? You can choose from many ready-made fertilisers or prepare it yourself. For this purpose, you can use ingredients such as yeast, banana peels, or coffee grounds.

Fertilise arborvitae with this in July. You’ll thank yourself quickly

Coffee is one of those products found in almost every home. The grounds left after brewing coffee usually end up in the bin. This is a mistake because you can use them to make a homemade fertiliser for arborvitae. You can prepare it in two ways. The first method involves scattering the grounds directly under the arborvitae and mixing them with the soil. Finally, gently pat down the soil.

The second method works much faster and more effectively, requiring only two ingredients — coffee grounds and water. How to make it? Prepare a 10-litre container and fill it with water. Add a cup of coffee grounds, then mix the whole thing thoroughly. This prepared solution is ready to use. Apply it every two weeks throughout the summer. You will notice that the arborvitae has significantly expanded and taken on an intense green colour in a short time.

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