TechRussian attacks on Ukrainian energy: Over €980m in damage

Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy: Over €980m in damage

Blackout, power outage, electrical engineering, power industry
Blackout, power outage, electrical engineering, power industry
Images source: © Getty Images | Evgen_Prozhyrko

11 September 2024 19:09

Russians are targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure. Some facilities have been attacked up to 40 times. In total, Russians have attacked 184,000 civilian structures.

During the war in Ukraine, numerous attacks on energy infrastructure and other civilian facilities have been recorded. Such incidents have occurred in every region of Ukraine. Some facilities were targeted up to 40 times. These attacks have led to blackouts in the past, but they also hinder the functioning of the state in the long term.

During the "United for Justice" conference, which focused on attacks on Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, Oleksiy Khomenko, the First Deputy Prosecutor General, provided data on such attacks. No region in the country has not experienced such an incident.

Khomenko noted that the Ukrainian energy system has suffered losses valued at over €980 million. He emphasised that estimating the full amount of damage Ukraine has suffered is difficult. He added that the enemy used various weapons, from artillery to Kh-101 missiles, attacking almost every enterprise involved in energy production and distribution.

Attacks on Ukrainian energy

The consequences of the attacks are tragic not only for the infrastructure. People often suffered as well. As reported by the Deputy Prosecutor General, 35 people have died, and over 100 have been injured. These attacks affected both residents and employees of energy companies.

Serhiy Naumiuk, the Deputy Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, revealed that the investigation already covers more than 2,300 cases of shelling of civilians and critical infrastructure. Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin emphasised that over 184,000 civilian structures have been damaged so far, significantly impacting civilians' lives.

Kostin reassured the conference participants that there is a strong commitment to bringing those responsible for these crimes to justice, both within the country and on a global scale.

The attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure are massive and systematic. This exacerbates the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country. This violence spares no region of Ukraine, striking at the foundations of the state's functioning and its citizens.

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