NewsKremlin hopeful for Trump win as Biden falters in debate

Kremlin hopeful for Trump win as Biden falters in debate

"People in the Kremlin are rooting for Trump." Officials reveal the behind-the-scenes.
"People in the Kremlin are rooting for Trump." Officials reveal the behind-the-scenes.
Images source: © Getty Images | The Washington Post
Sara Bounaoui

4 July 2024 19:46

- People in the Kremlin are cheering for Trump and are pleased with the results of the debate, say Russian officials who wish to remain anonymous in an interview with "The Moscow Times." They add that "Moscow has some hopes for Trump."

The Kremlin, the government, and the Russian establishment, though publicly denying it, are following the U.S. presidential campaign with excitement and interest, hoping that this time their favourite, Donald Trump, will win, writes "The Moscow Times."

The issue is discussed with the editorial staff by Russian officials close to the Kremlin's power, who want to remain anonymous due to safety concerns. They insist that Joe Biden's poor performance in the last presidential debate "fills them with optimism" in Moscow. - People in the Kremlin are cheering for Trump and are pleased with the results of the debate - they say in an interview with "The Moscow Times."

- Moscow sees the prospect of improving relations if Trump and the new Republican administration come to the White House - assess the interlocutors.

Debate in the USA: Putin has spoken

The Kremlin claims that Putin does not have time to watch the debates of American presidential candidates. However, he admitted that he had seen fragments. He noted that his preferences regarding Biden remained unchanged, as he had earlier stated that he would rather see Biden in the position of U.S. President.

- I have seen a few fragments, but I have enough other activities - said Putin. He added that he does not pay attention to partial media reports about the debate, though he cannot ignore them because "the United States remains a great power."

The Russian dictator, asked about Trump's assurances that he could quickly end the war in Ukraine if he won the presidential election, said that the Kremlin takes the Republican candidate seriously, but does not know the details of any of his peace proposals.

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