Shock in Odessa: Toddler's body discovered in freezer
Shocking discovery in Odessa. The body of a young boy was found in a freezer. Investigators are examining how the child died.
The Ukrainian police reported a shocking discovery in one of the flats in the Peresyp district of Odessa. According to, the body of a 15-month-old boy was found in the freezer.
An 18-year-old mother, a 2-year-old girl, and her 44-year-old partner were present at the scene. It transpires that the man was known to the police. The pair have been detained.
The 2-year-old was taken to hospital due to her poor condition. It was decided that she would be temporarily removed from her parents' care.
The boy's body was sent for a post-mortem examination to help determine the cause of death. According to police information, the child was murdered. Investigators are working to uncover the exact circumstances of the tragedy.
Source: Odessa