HealthSugary dilemma: The hidden dangers of hard candies

Sugary dilemma: The hidden dangers of hard candies

We love them. Some of the worst sweets.
We love them. Some of the worst sweets.
Images source: © Getty Images | Juan Monino

6 August 2024 11:18

Many have a sweet tooth, as evidenced by statistics. However, not all treats are created equal in terms of their impact on our health. Some can be significantly more harmful.

We love sweets, and that’s undeniable. Of course, not all sweets are equal. Some are less harmful, while others are more detrimental to health. In the latter category, hard candies - often associated with childhood and moments of sweet pleasure, belong to the group of most unhealthy sweets. Their consumption can have many negative health consequences that are worth knowing about.

Hard candies are full of sugar and harmful chemicals. They can lead to dental problems, mouth irritations, and other ailments.

Composition of hard candies

The secret behind hard candies lies in their composition. They are primarily made of sugar, glucose syrup, and artificial colourings. Although they may appear innocent, these colourful treats hide many harmful ingredients.

Sugar is the main ingredient of hard candies, and its excess can lead to many health problems, such as tooth decay, obesity, and insulin resistance. Moreover, these candies often contain artificial colours that give them their vivid hues, which can also cause allergies and hyperactivity in children.

Many hard candies also contain chemicals that impart specific flavours and aromas. While these additional ingredients allow for a wide range of flavours, they can contribute to health problems such as mouth irritations or digestive issues.

Harmfulness of candies to health

The primary problem associated with hard candies is their impact on the mouth. During prolonged sucking, the candy not only sticks to teeth but also causes the release of acids that are harmful to enamel. Regular consumption of hard candies leads to enamel erosion, which promotes cavities formation.

Other health issues

Besides the harmful effects on teeth, hard candies can cause other health issues. Consumed in excess, they can lead to overweight and obesity. They are high in calories while being utterly devoid of nutritional value, making them empty calories. According to research, excessive consumption of simple sugars can lead to insulin resistance, paving the way for type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, hard candies can irritate the tongue and oesophagus. The chemicals used in their production, such as artificial colours or flavours, can cause allergic reactions or irritations, especially if consumed regularly and in large quantities. They also contribute to inflammation and irritations of the mouth's mucous membranes.

Comparison with other sweets

Not all sweets are as harmful as hard candies. For example, chocolate, especially dark chocolate, although high in calories, also contains antioxidants, which can benefit health. Gummies, too, have disadvantages, but they do not cause prolonged contact of sugar with tooth enamel.

Meanwhile, hard candies are hazardous due to the time they spend in the mouth. Prolonged contact with sugar encourages the multiplication of bacteria that destroy enamel and lead to severe dental problems. This is why hard candies are considered some of the most unhealthy sweets.

Alternatives to hard candies

Fortunately, there are many healthier alternatives to hard candies. For a sweet snack, it is worth reaching for dried fruits, which are naturally sweet and provide fibre and vitamins. Another option is cereal bars, which provide energy and are less harmful to teeth.

Dietitians also recommend choosing snacks that are less rich in sugars and offer some nutritional value. Almonds, nuts, or even fresh fruits are excellent alternatives that can be easily found and used daily.

In summary, hard candies, although tempting in taste and colour, are among the most unhealthy sweets available on the market. They mainly consist of sugar, artificial colourings, and chemicals, negatively impacting health. They can lead to enamel erosion, cavities, mouth irritations, and other serious health issues.

It's worth considering healthier alternatives and consciously choosing products that not only satisfy our sweet cravings but also do not expose our health to unnecessary risks.

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