Sweetbread renaissance: Rediscovering a delicacy
The French and Italians relish it and consider it a delicacy, but it has practically disappeared in the UK. What should you know about sweetbreads and how to prepare them? These tips will definitely be useful.
Sweetbread is a gland located just behind the breastbone in mammals. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's immunity. Veal and lamb sweetbreads are most commonly used in the kitchen, and due to their delicate texture, they are colloquially known as "milk." Although it may sound exotic to many, sweetbreads were once a valued ingredient.
Is sweetbread healthy?
Sweetbreads are rich in high-quality protein, minerals such as potassium, zinc, and phosphorus, and vitamins, especially vitamin C. These ingredients enhance the taste of dishes and provide the body with essential nutrients.
How to prepare sweetbread?
Preparing sweetbreads requires some patience. First, they must be soaked in icy water for several hours to aid in removing the membranes that cover them. The water should be changed several times during this process.
After soaking, the sweetbreads are briefly immersed in boiling water to make it easier to remove the membranes. Only then are they ready for further culinary processing. They can be cooked in a light broth, fried in olive oil with butter, or used as an ingredient in exquisite dishes like risotto or salads.
The simplest method? Clean the sweetbreads, cut them into small pieces, and fry in butter until golden. Serve them on toast with a garnish of greens.
Braised sweetbread with chives
200g of veal sweetbread,
1 bunch of chives,
3 tablespoons of 30% cream,
juice of 1 lemon,
2 cloves of garlic,
a pinch of oregano,
250ml of white wine,
salt and pepper,
fat for frying.
- Mix the lemon juice with crushed garlic and oregano.
- Gently rub the blanched and cleaned sweetbreads with the prepared lemon juice mixture and set aside for an hour.
- After this time, fry the sweetbreads in hot fat. After about 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper, add finely chopped chives and white wine. Mix everything and cook until the sauce reduces.
- Finally, add the tempered cream. Stir everything and leave on a low flame to let the sauce evaporate a bit.
- Serve the sweetbreads with mashed potatoes and your favourite salad.