FoodYerba mate: The ultimate morning energy boost and weight loss aid

Yerba mate: The ultimate morning energy boost and weight loss aid

This is one of the healthiest drinks - Delicacies
This is one of the healthiest drinks - Delicacies
Images source: © Adobe Stock

8 September 2024 16:33

Some people start their day with a glass of warm water, while others can't imagine a morning without a cup of coffee. However, there is a drink that works even better and provides as much energy as if you had consumed a battery. My friend drinks it regularly and can't stop praising it.

Yerba mate, also known as Paraguayan tea, is a drink made from the leaves of the holly plant. Although it originates from South America, it is gaining popularity worldwide. This dried herb is valued for its energising properties and its potential to aid in weight loss. It's the perfect combination to start the day well.

Energy boost in the morning

Like coffee, yerba mate contains caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system, improves concentration, and reduces feelings of fatigue. However, the caffeine in yerba mate is released gradually, ensuring a more stable energy level over a longer period.

Yerba mate
Yerba mate© Adobe Stock

Yerba mate also contains other active substances, such as theobromine, theophylline, and saponins, which enhance caffeine's effects and increase energy. But that's not all because this unassuming tea hides even more goodness. Yerba mate infusion is rich in B vitamins, which are crucial in cell energy production. It also contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and iron, which support the nervous and muscular systems.

Yerba mate and weight loss

While the health benefits of yerba mate are undeniable, its weight loss miracles might be questionable until you see the effects with your own eyes, because yerba can be a great addition to a healthy and balanced weight loss diet.

yerba mate
yerba mate© Licensor

Firstly, the caffeine in it stimulates us to action and boosts metabolism, which is the foundation of weight loss. Yerba mate also gives a feeling of fullness, helping control hunger pangs and reduce appetite. It also stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, facilitating digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

It provides a feeling of fullness, making it easier to control hunger. There are also assumptions that this infusion reduces the activity of pancreatic lipase, which limits the absorption of fats.

How to drink yerba mate?

Yerba mate is traditionally drunk from a special container called a gourd, using a metal bombilla. This is the traditional way of serving it, so if you want to drink it regularly, it's worth looking for the right set.

Yerba mate - Delicacies
Yerba mate - Delicacies© Pexels | MESSALA CIULLA

The infusion is prepared by pouring hot, but not boiling, water over dried yerba mate leaves. It can be drunk hot or cold, with the addition of honey, lemon, or other herbs.

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