Chokeberry juice: The health-boosting elixir for cold seasons
Do you often choose orange juice or apple juice? Chokeberry juice is much more beneficial for your health. It can be called a vitamin bomb. Its properties are thanks to the valuable chokeberry fruits, which many of us still underestimate.
Chokeberry is even called the "black treasure." These small, modest fruits are full of vitamins and antioxidants. Their tart taste does not appeal to everyone when consumed raw, but they taste delicious in juice.
fall and winter without infections
Chokeberry is rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and protects against colds. It also contains B vitamins and vitamin E, which act as a potent antioxidant, fighting free radicals. But that's not all. Chokeberry is also packed with minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Therefore, regularly drinking chokeberry juice provides more health benefits than supplements. This is especially important during the fall and winter months when the risk of colds and flu increases. This juice also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it helpful in treating inflammatory conditions. It also improves digestion and supports the functioning of the intestines.
Important prevention
One of the biggest advantages of chokeberry is its antioxidant properties. Thanks to anthocyanins, chokeberry effectively fights free radicals, contributing to cell aging and many diseases, including cancer. Anthocyanins also improve the elasticity of blood vessels and can prevent atherosclerosis. Drinking chokeberry juice can thus protect cells from oxidative stress.
Support for eyesight
The anthocyanins present in chokeberry also have a beneficial effect on vision. They help regenerate the pigment in the retina, improving the quality of vision and potentially delaying the development of diseases such as cataracts or glaucoma. Chokeberry juice is, therefore, an excellent dietary supplement for those taking care of their eye health.
Lowers blood pressure
Chokeberry juice has many health-promoting properties, including its effect on lowering blood pressure. This is due to the rutin and anthocyanins in chokeberry berries. They work by sealing blood vessels. They help lower blood pressure by increasing the elasticity of veins and improving venous flow. This mechanism also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
When it's not indicated
Chokeberry by itself, contains very little sugar, but adding sugar to the juice requires caution for people with diabetes. Chokeberry juice is not indicated in cases of:
- low blood pressure,
- varicose veins,
- thrombophlebitis,
- coronary artery disease,
- blood clotting disorders,
- stomach ulcers.
Homemade sugar-free chokeberry juice
- 2-2.5 kilograms of chokeberries (this amount will yield about 1 litre of juice),
- juice from 1 lemon.
- Place the chokeberries in food bags and put them in the freezer for 48 hours. This will remove the bitterness from the fruits.
- After this time, rinse the fruits under warm running water.
- Blend the fruits and then press them through a sieve lined with gauze. You can also extract the juice using a juicer or a steam juicer.
- Add the lemon juice to the squeezed chokeberry juice and mix thoroughly. Then, pour the juice into sterilized jars or bottles.
- Pasteurize the jars starting from cold water for 25 minutes from when the water boils (at this point, also reduce the heat).
- After pasteurization, place the jars upside down on a cloth and leave them to cool, preferably for 24 hours. Store in a dark place.