Forgotten brew returns: Yaupon tea's modern revival
For a long time, it was forgotten, but now it's making a comeback. Indigenous peoples and early settlers treated it as a medicinal infusion. In taste, it resembles both black and green tea. It offers numerous nutritional benefits and can be considered an alternative to coffee.
Although the infusion from this plant was known hundreds of years ago, it was almost forgotten. Only recently have people begun to return to its cultivation. Yaupon is a species of evergreen holly that originates from the southeastern United States.
Known for hundreds of years
For centuries, Indigenous peoples and colonists used Yaupon to prepare medicinal infusions. The leaves and stems of this plant were brewed, and the infusion was most commonly consumed during various rituals. However, it was not known at that time that excess consumption could be harmful and cause vomiting.
These properties are now appreciated
The properties of Yaupon infusion have now been thoroughly studied. It contains caffeine, so it stimulates and boosts energy levels. It also includes theobromine, which positively affects brain function. These ingredients promote better concentration and improve mood. Yaupon is rich in powerful antioxidants, which is its main advantage. Such an infusion can prevent inflammation and may help mitigate the risk of many diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. It also helps slow the ageing process. Additionally, it benefits intestinal function and improves metabolism and digestion. The tea is also helpful in preventing indigestion.
It's important! The most crucial components of Yaupon tea are antioxidants and caffeine.
When to drink yaupon
Yaupon tea is best consumed in the morning, enhancing memory and concentration. This infusion also helps with digestive issues, such as constipation or bloating. What are the contraindications? People sensitive to caffeine should exercise caution because it links Yaupon to coffee.