Healthy energy balls: A perfect snack for kids and adults alike
Looking for a quick, healthy, and delicious snack to fuel your busy day? Enter the world of energy balls—bite-sized, nutrient-packed snacks taking the health food scene by storm. Discover how these easy-to-make treats can boost your energy levels and keep you on track with your wellness goals.
Kids like sweets, and as we know, "forbidden fruit" tastes the best. That's why I try not to forbid them but to offer a healthier version. In such cases, energy balls work great, especially since you can choose ingredients that have a good effect on brain function.
Not just for athletes
Where does the energy in energy balls come from? You won't find coffee, tea, or alcohol in them. Instead, there are oats, dried fruits, nuts, peanut butter, and honey. All healthy ingredients can be freely selected. Trainers often prepare this healthy dessert for her husband. However, not only athletes should enjoy it. They are ideal for anyone who needs energy for a whole day of work or school.
A good source of energy
Energy balls help maintain energy and concentration until the end of the day. The balls are ideal as a snack between meals or as an additional energy boost after breakfast. They are also worth offering to kids before physical activity. They provide valuable nutrients, fibre, and healthy fats. You can experiment with the composition of the balls, preparing them slightly differently each time. My kids like the energy balls from this recipe the most.
Energy balls for kids
- 1 cup of oats,
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa,
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa nibs,
- 2 tablespoons of honey,
- 2 tablespoons of peanut butter,
- 1 tablespoon of finely chopped hazelnuts,
- 1/4 cup of milk.
- Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until combined. You can also pulse the oats in a blender beforehand.
- Form the mixture into walnut-sized balls; you can roll them in cocoa or coconut flakes.
- Put them in the refrigerator; they should be ready after an hour.
- Store them in the fridge so they don't crumble.