LifestyleHow to banish bed bugs for good using a simple household item

How to banish bed bugs for good using a simple household item

The appearance of bed bugs in an apartment can become a troublesome problem. Worse yet, these pests feed on human blood—if they infest the house, we will wake up with bites. How can we get rid of bed bugs once and for all?

How to get rid of bedbugs?
How to get rid of bedbugs?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Bed bugs are small parasites that feed on humans. In extreme cases, getting rid of them may require the help of specialists who conduct disinfection. However, if we have just noticed the problem, it might be possible to handle it on our own.

Our grandmothers already knew a simple method to repel bed bugs. It doesn't require buying chemical agents and is equally effective.

Bed bugs in the house? act immediately

Bed bugs often hide in hard-to-reach places, such as mattresses, carpets, or curtains. They can also appear in furniture, especially antiques. If we suspect parasites have settled in our living space, let's thoroughly inspect the mattresses from every possible side.

If bed bugs have not yet spread significantly, you can get rid of them using a home method. The agent that should help us is diatomaceous earth. The product should be scattered everywhere where bed bugs might be hiding and left there for a few days. Then vacuum everything very thoroughly. Repeat the process several times.

A golden solution for bed bugs?

Why does diatomaceous earth work so well on bed bugs? In its pure form, it is a combination of silica dioxide particles that form small plates with sharp edges. This causes the particles to stick to the bed bugs, penetrate their exoskeletons, and thus lead to the parasite's death. Moreover, diatomaceous earth is effective for bed bug issues and ticks, among others.

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