How to thaw meat quickly without sacrificing safety
Want to prepare dinner, but the meat is still in the freezer? It's common to forget to take out the chicken or cutlets in advance. Fortunately, all is not lost. There are methods to speed up the thawing process.
The way meat is thawed greatly affects its quality. Furthermore, improper thawing can lead to rapid bacterial growth and meat losing its flavour. So, how can you thaw it quickly and safely? It's crucial to follow some important guidelines.
This trick saves the day
One of the most effective methods is using cold water. Place the meat in a tightly sealed bag and submerge it in a bowl with approximately room temperature water (around 20°C). Depending on the size of the meat, the thawing process can take from 30 minutes to a few hours. It's important to change the water occasionally. This method allows the meat to thaw evenly while maintaining its quality.
You can also try:
- Submerging the meat in a sealed bag in warm water, with a temperature up to roughly 60°C.
- Using a microwave or an oven with a defrost function. Adjust the power and time according to the size of the meat piece to ensure it thaws evenly.
Avoid mistakes
Improper thawing can lead to several issues, including food poisoning. Common mistakes, like thawing meat on the kitchen counter or using hot water, can diminish the nutritional value of the meat and encourage bacterial growth.
It's advisable to avoid leaving meat at room temperature for long periods. A safe method is to thaw it in the fridge. Although this can be time-consuming, it is the safest approach. Therefore, it's best to plan meals in advance and remember to take the meat or other items out of the freezer ahead of time.