FoodHungary's beloved langos: A simple yet savoury delight

Hungary's beloved langos: A simple yet savoury delight

Langos is the most famous street food in Hungary. It doesn't shy away from solid competition like hot dogs or hamburgers. Both Hungarians and tourists enjoy it. These delicious flatbreads are not that difficult to prepare at home.

This is a delicacy that made Hungarian cuisine famous.
This is a delicacy that made Hungarian cuisine famous.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Langos is not only a favourite street food but also a national dish of Hungary. They're simple, relatively inexpensive, and easy to eat even while walking. Previously, langos were made from leftover bread dough that remained after forming the loaves. That's why they are sometimes called Hungarian flatbread. However, modern langos can be classified as flatbreads.

Homemade is best

Langos are simply flatbreads made from yeast dough. There are only a few ingredients, and there's a good chance you already have them in your kitchen cupboard. The flatbreads are fried in deep oil, so you'll need a lot. They should float freely in it. This is not a diet-friendly snack, especially since they are best with sour cream and cheese. However, it is worth indulging in them because they taste fantastic and bring back memories of vacations in Budapest. However, Hungarians believe that homemade flatbreads are unmatched.

Choice of toppings

Langos is a practical snack that tastes good, both warm and cold. Traditionally, they are served with sour cream and cheese, as well as with sauce or garlic butter, yellow cheese, and sautéed bacon or other meats. The sweet version, with sugar and sour cream, is also popular. However, these fluffy and crispy flatbreads made from yeast dough offer plenty of other possibilities, just like pizza. Choose your favourite vegetable and meat toppings. Italian cheeses like mozzarella or Parmesan also work well. And always fresh herbs, like basil.

Easy langos recipe


  • 400 g of flour,
  • 1 tablespoon of dry yeast,
  • 280 ml of milk,
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons of oil,
  • 1 pinch of salt,
  • your favourite toppings.


  1. Start by sifting the flour to aerate it further.
  2. Combine warm milk, dry yeast, and sugar in a separate bowl. Set the mixture aside for a moment to allow the yeast to activate.
  3. After a few minutes, begin kneading the dough by slowly combining the yeast mixture, flour, and oil. Finally, season the dough with salt.
  4. Once you have formed the dough, set it aside to rise for 30 minutes.
  5. After this time, divide the dough into smaller pieces and roll them into small flatbreads.
  6. Fry the prepared flatbreads in hot oil for a few minutes.

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