Why your morning coffee might lead to a bathroom rush
We usually start our day with coffee. This drink boosts energy and creates a positive mood. However, there's just one problem. Sometimes, right after drinking coffee, you need to rush to the bathroom. Should this be a concern?
Although it doesn't affect everyone. Statistically, one in three people who drink coffee in the morning needs to visit the bathroom quickly. Why does this happen? Is it normal for the body to react swiftly?
coffee affects digestion
Drinking morning coffee prompts many people to use the bathroom. It may act as a diuretic or stimulate bowel movements. Some wonder if this is due to caffeine or the drink's temperature. The fact is coffee, despite being known for centuries, still holds mysteries.
About one in three people must use the bathroom just a few minutes after drinking coffee. According to Dr. Łukasz Drzewiecki, who spoke to the Practical Medicine portal, coffee affects the level of gastrin in the body, which influences digestive processes and has laxative properties.
coffee acts on the digestive tract
Coffee stimulates the secretion of gastrin and hydrochloric acid, which increases intestinal activity and stimulates bowel movements. Drinking a warm liquid may also stimulate bowel movements by increasing the activity of rectal muscles. Interestingly, laxative effects can also occur in decaffeinated drinks.
Coffee may seem like a good remedy for constipation due to its laxative properties. However, its effect is mainly temporary and does not solve bowel movement problems in the long run.
Important information
It is important to note that in individuals with persistent constipation, caffeine might worsen the problem, leading to dehydration and, thus, intensifying symptoms.