NewsAsylum seekers to aid flood efforts amid controversy in Saxony-Anhalt

Asylum seekers to aid flood efforts amid controversy in Saxony-Anhalt

Migrants will be obligated to work
Migrants will be obligated to work
Images source: © PAP, ITAR, TASS, Wikipedia | Franzfoto, LEONID SHCHEGLOV
Marcin Lewicki

17 July 2024 10:12

Asylum seekers will be required to work. This decision was made by the authorities of a district in Saxony-Anhalt, causing considerable controversy in Germany. Not everyone is happy that migrants will have to work.

At the turn of 2023 and 2024, the region of Mansfeld-Südharz district in Saxony-Anhalt experienced a state of natural disaster, with many homes submerged. In response, the local authorities announced that asylum seekers are to participate in flood protection efforts.

The local governor, André Schröder (CDU), stated that refugees and migrants are to carry sandbags and perform community work to help strengthen the flood protection dam in the area. The authorities aim to protect the region from a recurrence of the situation six months ago.

The governor warned that those who do not comply with the decision will face a reduction in asylum seekers' benefits. According to "Deutsche Welle," this decision is supported by the local community but has been strongly criticised by organisations working for migrant assistance.

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According to migrant aid organisations (Lamsa), the decision could lead to migrants being considered as "cheap labour". André Schröder agreed that authorities cannot treat asylum seekers this way but emphasized that "the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act backs his decision."

Those who receive benefits from the state should, within their possibilities and skills, also give something back to the state - conveyed the governor in an interview with the EPD agency.

At this moment, benefits have been reduced for 16 migrants. Despite the arguments of the local authorities, the Saxony-Anhalt Refugee Council believes that "it is forced labour," which is not in line with the German constitution. Local councillors disagree with this assertion.

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