NewsTrump's gilded redesign: Gold revisits the Oval Office

Trump's gilded redesign: Gold revisits the Oval Office

Donald Trump, upon returning to the White House, has focused not only on politics but also on his passion for interior design. The President has transformed the Oval Office; now, golden figurines, medals, and rococo-style mirrors adorn this historic room, CNN reports.

The Oval Office, after Donald Trump moved back in, is dripping with gold.
The Oval Office, after Donald Trump moved back in, is dripping with gold.
Images source: © PAP
Paweł Buczkowski

New golden elements have appeared in the Oval Office, such as figurines on the mantelpiece, golden eagles on side tables, and cherubs brought in from Mar-a-Lago. Even the remote control for the television has been decorated with gold. Trump couldn't resist adding golden eagles to the simple tables.

On the coffee table stands a heavy golden paperweight. At the top is an engraved presidential seal, and on the side is embossed the word “TRUMP,” according to CNN's website.

A golden paperweight in the Oval Office
A golden paperweight in the Oval Office© PAP | BONNIE CASH / POOL

Trump has also introduced more portraits of his predecessors, including George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. He has also reinstated the button to order Diet Coke on the Resolute desk and brought back the bust of Winston Churchill. He plans to make changes in the Rose Garden and construct a new ballroom modelled after Versailles.

The changes implemented by Trump contrast with the appearance of the Oval Office during Joe Biden's era, when only six portraits were hung on the walls. During Barack Obama's time, there were even fewer, and the space was filled with modern works by American painters.

Source: CNN

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