EntertainmentNetflix's take on Alexander the Great's sexuality stirs controversy among historians

Netflix's take on Alexander the Great's sexuality stirs controversy among historians

There's plenty to say about the ancient Greeks, Macedonians, and Romans. They were excellent strategists, creators of many recognised philosophical movements of the time, accomplished soldiers, and connoisseurs of culture. One frequently reiterated detail about them is their hedonism and often tolerant attitude towards sexual orientation. This portrayal is precisely what has irked some Netflix viewers.

Netflix portrayed the king of Macedonia as gay.
Netflix portrayed the king of Macedonia as gay.
Images source: © Press materials | Materiały prasowe

Was Alexander the Great gay?

Netflix has created an eight-episode series dedicated to the legendary Macedonian ruler - Alexander the Great. The production, titled "How Alexander the Great Became a God," explores the life of the Argead dynasty's king, the most distinguished ruler of Macedonia and one of the greatest conquerors in human history. However, this depiction of the king's sexual orientation has caused some viewers to take issue.

Alexander the Great, Netflix's latest hero

From as early as the eighth minute of the series, there is a clear depiction of Alexander the Great engaging in a scene with another man. Netflix appears to be suggesting that Alexander, as many Macedonians and Greeks were, was gay. However, historical facts refute this claim. The ruler of Macedonia had three wives, a mistress and was also the father of Alexander IV.

So, was Alexander the Great heterosexual? According to historian Prof. Daniel Ogden, not necessarily. The author of the scholarly study, "Alexander's Sex Life," argues that the ruler was probably bisexual. His lovers allegedly included Hephaestion, whose death deeply affected the king, and Bagoas, a eunuch gifted to Alexander by a Persian general.

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