NewsDefeat the buzz: Water and paper tricks to repel wasps

Defeat the buzz: Water and paper tricks to repel wasps

How to get rid of wasps?
How to get rid of wasps?
Images source: © Pexels
Kamil Rakosza-Napieraj

3 August 2024 19:13

Aggressive insects can spoil warm afternoons spent feasting outdoors. However, there are ways to deter wasps that disturb diners. We describe two methods.

An article published on the portal reveals that a simple trick with water can suffice. Spraying the wasps with a gentle water mist makes the insects believe it is starting to rain, triggering their natural instinct to return to the nest.

The portal emphasizes that only clean water should be used and that sudden movements should be avoided to prevent provoking the wasps into attacking. Spraying them from a safe distance and observing their reactions is important.

How to deal with wasps

The German portal suggests another relatively unknown method of deterring wasps, which is using paper bags.

To deter insects, it is sufficient to crumple and shape a brown or grey paper bag and place it in an appropriate spot, such as next to seating and dining areas. A shopping bag, readily available in most larger stores, can be used for this purpose. explains that this paper's construction resembles the structure of a foreign wasp nest, signalling that there is already another swarm in that location, which deters the insects. The portal also claims that placing the dummy early can prevent the insects from building a nest near the house and garden.

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