LifestylePotted myths debunked: Hoya's charm and care tips revealed

Potted myths debunked: Hoya's charm and care tips revealed

How to care for hoyas?
How to care for hoyas?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

23 August 2024 13:31

Hoya used to be popular, but folkloric superstitions caused many people to stop growing it. It was believed that the plant brought bad luck and financial problems. Of course, this is nonsense, so it's worth returning to its cultivation.

Hoya is a plant from the family Apocynaceae. There are 533 different species of this flower worldwide, each differing in size, colour, and appearance. It features unique, small, pleasantly scented flowers resembling tiny stars. It is very easy to grow.

How to grow hoya?

Hoya naturally occurs in Australia and East Asia. It is classified as an epiphyte, which grows on trees and bushes. In the UK, it is grown exclusively indoors as a potted plant. It grows slowly, reaching 2 to 3 feet. It thrives best in a warm, well-lit place.

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How to care for hoya? It should be planted in light, well-drained, fertile soil. Although it loves moisture, it is very sensitive to overwatering. Water it once a week with lukewarm, filtered water.

Depending on the species, its leaves can be intensely green or white. A few years after planting, small star-shaped flowers appear. They emit a very pleasant, sweet fragrance, which is likely the origin of the folk superstition.

The plant that supposedly brings bad luck

It is one of the flowers surrounded by many myths. According to some legends, a blooming hoya is supposed to bring bad luck to the household. If many flowers appear on it, it is a sign that we can expect financial problems in the near future. This is, of course, nonsense.

Hoya is a very charming plant that is a real decoration for your interior. It does not require much effort. Place it in a warm, well-lit spot, water it regularly, and mist the leaves. During the intense blooming period starting in May and ending in October, it should be fed with fertiliser high in potassium. This treatment should be repeated once a month. Follow these rules, and the hoya will become covered in a cascade of flowers.

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