Why matcha could be your new morning go‑to over coffee
Morning coffee? While we won't go so far as to call it "obsolete," it's worth knowing that there's another drink that can effectively wake us up and set the right rhythm for our morning duties. Significantly, this beverage lasts even longer than a small coffee. Doesn't that sound enticing?
According to statistics, half of Canadians start their day with a coffee. We've discussed the impact of this habit on an empty stomach in another one of our articles. Today, we'll consider whether there's a beverage that wakes us up as effectively as coffee and lasts significantly longer. It just so happens that such a drink exists; it's not expensive, boasts many health benefits, and is very trendy. Can you guess what it is? No? Well, let's add that this drink is exceptionally... green. Now it's clearer, right?
Lasts longer than coffee
Matcha is a powerful competitor to coffee, surpassing its black, caffeinated counterpart in many ways. Why is green tea such a fantastic coffee substitute? Before we tell you all about the health benefits of this product, it's worth highlighting L-theanine. This chemical compound found in matcha reacts in combination with caffeine (there's a bit less caffeine in matcha than in coffee), ensuring that just one cup of green tea stimulates serotonin and dopamine production, positively affects the brain, doesn't display the unwanted side effects often seen after drinking coffee, and also stimulates — and for longer than a small coffee.
Matcha for more than just the morning
Why is it worth reaching for green, powdered tea, not just in the morning? Due to its health properties that extend far beyond morning wakefulness. Matcha is a powerful source of vitamins A and C and minerals such as calcium, iron, and potassium. It's also worth noting that the polyphenols in matcha are potent antioxidants. Regularly drinking green tea effectively inhibits the action of free radicals. This translates to youthful-looking skin and a reduced risk of cancer, atherosclerosis, and inflammation.