FoodAlpine-style potatoes: A hearty departure from diet norms

Alpine-style potatoes: A hearty departure from diet norms

Alpine-style potatoes taste exquisite.
Alpine-style potatoes taste exquisite.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | FomaA

26 July 2024 15:54

I am a master of diet dishes, but sometimes, I abandon all principles and prepare something hearty, fried, and with bacon. Does that sound delicious? Occasionally, you can indulge in skillet potatoes Alpine-style. My family is asking for this dinner again!

Potatoes are an important part of cuisine worldwide. However, it's not just us who enjoy these vegetables. The Germans and Austrians love them too. They are particularly popular in the mountains. As you know, the focus there has always been on hearty, cheap, and easy-to-prepare meals.

Better not to count calories

Alpine-style potatoes? That's exactly what dishes with these vegetables as the main ingredient are called, which are pan-fried with bacon and cheese. These are not diet dishes, and it's better to stop counting calories immediately. However, it's hard to deny their flavour. Therefore, you can afford them from time to time. Ideally, it would be after a mountain hike, but obviously, we are not always on holiday. Simply, after such a dinner, you can go for a longer walk.

Forget about hunger

Now is the best time for potato dishes because these vegetables are still "young". They have a lot of fibre, so they satiate you for a long time. Hard-working people in the mountains appreciate this effect, but it is also important for us. They also provide a lot of energy and potassium, which has a good effect on blood pressure. Of course, potatoes are accompanied by very high-calorie additions to this dish, but the body can benefit from some of their advantages. Let's treat such a dish as a good source of energy, strength, and satisfying appetite.

Alpine-style potatoes


  • 8-10 young potatoes,
  • 140 grams of smoked bacon,
  • Two green onions,
  • 140 grams of shredded yellow cheese,
  • salt, pepper to taste,
  • One tablespoon of lard,
  • a few sprigs of chives, optional.


  1. Wash the potatoes and boil them with the skin on until al dente. They shouldn't be too soft. Cool them well and cut them into fairly thick slices.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion.
  3. Cut the bacon into cubes.
  4. In a skillet, fry the bacon. When the fat starts to melt, add the lard.
  5. Add the onion and potatoes to the skillet and fry until nicely browned. Season the dish with salt and pepper.
  6. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with shredded cheese and chives.
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