LifestyleHomemade whitening bombs: A natural solution for restoring white fabrics

Homemade whitening bombs: A natural solution for restoring white fabrics

How to whiten white clothes with a homemade method?
How to whiten white clothes with a homemade method?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | bonnontawat

10 July 2024 18:13

White fabrics tend to get grey and yellow. How can you restore their original colour? Discover the recipe for a homemade whitening solution. You only need four ingredients, most of which are already in your kitchen cupboard.

Every white fabric begins to lose its colour over time. Simply washing it inadvertently with dark clothes can cause it to become visibly grey. How can you restore the white colour to clothes? You can choose from dozens of ready-made whiteners or prepare one yourself.

You don't need any specialist cleaning agents for this. Some of the necessary ingredients are already in your home. How to whiten clothes at home? Discover the recipe for a homemade whitening solution to restore the former brightness to clothes.

How to whiten clothes at home?

White fabrics tend to get yellow and grey, regardless of their material. How can you restore their former brightness? Stores and drugstores sell many products designed for whitening laundry. Most of them are chlorine-based, which is harmful to the environment and the skin. A safer and equally effective solution is a homemade fabric whitener.

How to whiten clothes at home? Use vinegar, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide. Each of these ingredients has disinfecting and whitening properties. However, there is one more way. An Instagram user, @paulina.czajka_, shared a recipe for whitening bombs. They work even more effectively than chlorine.

How to make them: Take out a large bowl. Pour a cup of laundry detergent, half a cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of salt, and finally, around 100 millilitres of hydrogen peroxide into it. Put on gloves and mix all the ingredients. Form balls from the mixture and place them in the freezer for a whole day.

How to use homemade whitening bombs?

Frozen balls should be placed in a bowl filled with warm water and left to dissolve for a moment. The prepared solution is ready to use. Just throw the white clothes into it and leave them for an hour. After an hour, put them in the washing machine and wash as usual. When they dry, they will be snow-white.

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